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Fees & payment

We want you to know in advance what the costs could be, if you decide to have us advise or represent you.

Initial Consultation

In a first personal meeting, we will discuss your individual legal situation. The fees for this initial consultation are 150,00 EUR (VAT included).

Further Costs

For our further activities we either charge the statutory fees or conclude an individual compensation agreement with you. Before we represent you before an authority or the court, we usually require an advance payment of 250,00 EUR.

Instalment Payments

We are aware that our fees may represent a financial challenge for many clients. In justified cases, we offer the option of paying part of our fees in instalments. In that case, we need an advance payment as a financial security.

Payment Method

You can pay cash at our office. For a bank transfer, please use the following account data:

IBAN: DE77 4306 0967 1097 4423 00
GLS Bank

Please always indicate our file number in the payment details.