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Consultancy And Legal Aid

The state may be able to cover costs for out-of-court advice and representation, for example for proceedings before the Aliens’ Authority (Ausländerbehörde), the Federal Agency of Migration and Refugees (BAMF, Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge), and other authorities. People who cannot cover the legal costs themselves, may qualify for this so-called consulting assistance (Beratungshilfe). In these cases, clients only pay a fixed price of 15,00EUR. Please bring the certificate for consulting assistance (Beratungshilfeschein) to our initial consultation appointment. You can apply for this social service at the local court at your place of residence. Further information on counselling assistance is available → here (Further information by the City in German):

If you are not able to cover the costs for court proceedings, you can apply for legal aid (PKH, Prozesskostenhilfe). If you are granted legal aid, the state will pay the court costs and fees for the lawyer. If we apply for legal aid on your behalf, we need a "declaration of personal and economic circumstances" as well as proof of income, assets, and rental costs. We can discuss the matter of legal aid during the first consultation. Further information on legal aid is available → here (further information by the City in German):